e-Books, Audiobooks, Magazines

for all ages!

 overdriveOverdrive works on your computer or tablet in a web browser. Overdrive delivers free ebooks, audiobooks and magazines with your Abington Public Library card. Overdrive titles are not necessarily always available and holds will need to be placed on the most popular books. If you see a yellow A on a title it means that the Abington Public Library has bought a copy (or two) that will go to fulfilling Abington patron holds first. The Overdrive app has been discontinued, so if you want to use an app on your phone or device the new Overdrive app is Libby. 


 libby app    Download the Libby Overdrive app onto your device to access ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more! It works just like a real life library!  Log in with your library card, search for reading material, and start reading or listening. Again, titles may not be instantly available so holds will need to be placed. 

Learn how to download the Libby app here


 hoopla     Hoopla is a library of digital content the Abington Public Library provides to patrons with an Abington Public Library card. Hoopla titles are always available and are renewable as long as you have borrows left. Abington patrons are allowed 10 borrows a  month. Hoopla provides access to ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. Hallmark movies are available and access to some of Craftsy is also available. There is also a fairly robust Graphic section. (This will come under the heading of Comics as that is the library lauguage assigned to it.)


 boston public library    The Boston Public Library is the library for any resident of Massachusetts who is 13 years and older. And while Overdrive and Libby have partner libraries, and BPL is one of them, an individual ecard may get you in a quicker queue for a hold or extra hoopla borrows. An ecard from BPL does not need to be converted to a regular card, but it is only good for econtent and needs to be renewed every two years. 


The world of digital content can be confusing, and then there are all the devices we want to use, or not use. Many of us can help you get started and we have a wide variety of familiarity. Our Reference Librarian Robert Goodale is also available to help when he is here. Give us a call at 781-982-2139 to set up a time, email abref@ocln.org, or request his assistance using this form. We love to help!